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Western Entertainment

JG2 Marathon
Some events are in a league of their own and the JG2 Marathon in USA (North Carolina) certainly fits into that category. Carol Craven gives us the low down of what happened this year in her own inimitable style

The Marathon is just that - every year more of everything than the year before. There’s a free
shuttle to the hotel from the airport and James Gregory and Jean Garr always have wonderful staff to greet you. The hotel staff really treat you as a guest in their hotel. This year the theme was Boot Camp and the marathon portion of
this event is certainly an understatement. There are lessons in five different rooms from morning
until night, the instructors teaching all levels so that there is always something for everyone all
day long. There is also open dancing all day long in case you want to dance some of the things
you learned or just take a break.

All the lessons started at 2pm on Thursday.
This day is reserved for people to teach popular dances that are not their own and I think this
year there were even more impressive dances than previous years. The instructors for this
year is a virtual who’s who and who’s up-andcoming in Line dance.
People like Cato Larsen,
a great pool of US instructors, our British friends, Neville and Julie, Dave and Pauline, Johnny 2-Step, Nigel Amon and Dee Musk.

Friday started off with previews in the morning, lessons all day long, and of course a party at
night. So many people told me afterwards how much they enjoyed the cookie party and just meeting other people and mingling.

Saturday was more lessons all day leading to the highlight of the weekend -- the show and the parade on Saturday night at midnight with everyone dressed up in military uniforms of all descriptions. Pepper, our MC, did a great job as always and kept everything running smoothly.


After the show, it is time for the parade. I am always so impressed with what effort people putinto their costumes so I stayed up really late on Saturday to drag it out as long as possible. I was so tired and sleep deprived that one more night with no sleep could not make any difference.

Lessons continue on Sunday morning. I left before the choreography competition (pro and amateur) but I heard the room was packed. This is such a big draw at events and I just love watching it. The Marathon also goes on all day
Sunday with dancing and many people stay over.

I’d like to recognize the great staff that
work so hard at events like this one. From
negotiating with the hotel, hiring the
instructors, worrying about getting enough
people to pay the bills, getting the instructors from the airport to the hotel, deciding on the decorations, laying the fl oors (which is a massive job), getting all the brochures done leading up to the event, organizing the vendor
spaces, setting up all the sound systems,
making sure the hotel staff is doing what
they need to do for a dance event, planning the hospitality room for the instructors and volunteers, arranging for parties and the welcoming reception, planning everything for an entire year, getting the registrations posted and confi rmed, dealing with a million questions and doing the schedule (never an easy task), cleaning everything up afterwards
and making sure that any problems or issues are dealt with during the event. Every time someone comes up to me and complains about some petty little problem they had during any weekend I just look at them and think “I’d like to see you pull this off!” I remember the days when there were no events to complain
about. As I always say, every dancer should attend the Marathon at least once. Can’t wait for next year!
Carol and Stacy


Here’s the list of instructors in case you
wondered how five classes could be done all
day long with five different rooms
(and why it’s called the Marathon!!)

• Cato Larsen (Norway)
• Junior Willis (Tennessee)
• Kathy Hunyadi (Florida)
• Frank Trace (Ohio)
• Johnny 2-Step (England)
• Michael Thompson (Georgia)
• Karen Hedges (Missouri)
• Pepper Siquieros (New Jersey)
• Tim Hand (Kentucky)
• Lou Ann Schemmel (California)
• Neville Fitzgerald (England)
• Maurice Rowe (Florida)
• Bracken Ellis (California)
• John Robinson (Kentucky)
• Zac Detweiller (Florida)
• Mona Puente (Texas)
• Alice Daugherty (Kentucky)
• J P Potter (California)
• Will Craig (N.Carolina)
• Christopher Petre (Connecticut)
• Michele Burton (California)
• Max Perry (Florida)
• Kathy Brown (Florida)
• Dee Musk (England)
• Scott Blevins (Indiana)
• Gerard Murphy (Canada)
• Big Dave Baycroft (England)
• Guyton Mundy (Florida)
• Michael Barr (California)
• Nancy Morgan (Arkansas)
• Brian Barakauskas (Kentucky)
• Seth Lilly (West Virginia)
• Nigel Amon (England)
• Steve Lescarbeau (Massachusetts)
• Dan Albro (Rhode Island)
• Pam Leader (Maryland)

The whole article with pictures and all is found here:

iDance Dance Wear


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Anbefalte danser:
1 Fingers Crossed
1 Storm And Stone
1 Effort
1 La Merengue
1 Summer Of Luv
1 Break Into My Heart
1 Heart Of The Darkness
1 Pick Her Up
1 Give Me Your Tempo
1 No Expectations
1 Play With Me
1 Part-Time Girl Friend

1 Playboys
1 Heaven's Jukebox
1 Back In Town
1 To Hell & Back
1 Love With No Meaning
1 Legends Tonight
1 Last Confession
1 Evidemment
1 Break These Shackles

Oldies But Goodies:
1 Mirrors
1 Hasta Manana
1 Stop It!
1 Head Over Heels

1 Blue Finger Lou

Her finner du det meste av danseterminologi. Mye er hentet fra ballet, men også standardterminologi fra alle andre danseformer
er tatt med.

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