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Western Entertainment

New Year - New Friends.
The Year Of The Ox was welcomed in style last January by the Hong Kong Linedance Association with two terrific weekends and a visit from talented choreographer Cato Larsen. Dancer Emily Kwauk was there and sent us this report.

We started the Year 2009 off with a series of workshops by Cato Larsen, an acclaimed instructor from the "Land of the Vikings", Oslo, Norway who was invited by the association. It was Cato's first trip to Hong Kong (and Asia) and the event proved to be a truly memorable experience for both parties.

The venue for Cato's workshops was ther walk-in studio in Wan Chai. Classes ran for three consecutive days, from January 7th and there were eight sessions altogether. One at the Beginner/Easy Intermediate, four at the Intermediate, one at the Intermediate/Advanced and two at the Advanced level. With Cato's "Viking" charm and no nonsense teaching style, he certainly got the best out of his students at all levels and in record time.

The climax of Cato's visit was the New Year Party held in his honour at The Hong Kong Football Club. There was a scrumtious buffet dinner, fantastic raffle prizes donated by generous dancers, and dancing from pm to midnight.


Cato taught everyone a partydance called "Festival Fun" and led the dancefloor in some of his own works, "Am I?", "Burning" and "She Danced".The party ended at midnight and many lucky guests left with happy "photo moments" with one of the most charming Linedance instructors/choreographer they had ever met.

With the first event of the year out of the way, another one followed a month later. The Hong Kong Linedance Association kicked off the Year of the Ox (Lunar New Tear) on Saturday 14th February with eighty participants dancing and enjoying the social in the walk-in studio in Wan Chai. The celebration started at ten am, with dancing led by noine other than our Chairwoman and Head instructor Lina Choi. To celebrate the official opening of classes in the Year of the Ox, the ceremony of cutting the roast suckling pig took place at the auspiciour time 10.30am. Many were busy posing for photograps while others were setting up the buffet table with lots of delicious home cooked food.

"Eat, dance and Be Merry" was definitley the theme of this Chinese New Year Celebration, and all those who attended were wished a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Year of the Ox.


Some of the dances thought by Cato were:

- This And That
- Run Sue, Run!
- Dream On
- Jailhouse Creole
- Bella Bella
- Dancing Feet
- In Control
- Bad Boy Swing
- Rollin' With The Flow
- JR Drop
- Downpour
- And I Liked It
- Make My Day
-Sting Me
- Hold On Be Strong
- Sugar Lip

The whole article with pictures and all is found here:

iDance Dance Wear


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Anbefalte danser:
1 Fingers Crossed
1 Storm And Stone
1 Effort
1 La Merengue
1 Summer Of Luv
1 Break Into My Heart
1 Heart Of The Darkness
1 Pick Her Up
1 Give Me Your Tempo
1 No Expectations
1 Play With Me
1 Part-Time Girl Friend

1 Playboys
1 Heaven's Jukebox
1 Back In Town
1 To Hell & Back
1 Love With No Meaning
1 Legends Tonight
1 Last Confession
1 Evidemment
1 Break These Shackles

Oldies But Goodies:
1 Mirrors
1 Hasta Manana
1 Stop It!
1 Head Over Heels

1 Blue Finger Lou

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